




“If I show up at your door,
chances are you did something to bring me there.”

I’ve been conjuring up my handmade creations in a small witches’ hut of a studio in rural England since 2018.

‘Soul-ly’ run from designing and creating through to packaging and dispatching, each and every mysterious manifestation is handled with tender love, care and a little of the dark arts.

Aesthetically my entities cross boundaries from morbid, dark and creepy to saccharine pastels and sweetness – and occasionally a curious potion of them all combined.

I’ve made peace with my demons to turn them into the creations you see before you. All items are made with precise attention to detail – think sturdy stitched seams, top quality fabrics, long lasting digital prints and hand cast resins – Daemon Emporium is the mysterious portal to Valhalla that you won’t regret stepping through.


Join the Daemon Emporium mailing list to receive information on new releases, custom openings and mystical offers!✨